Top Ten Tuesday #6: Books that Should Be Rewritten
Hello! Today is a free choice for Top Ten Tuesday and I decided to do the top ten books that I feel should to be rewritten when the author grows into their writing. This was created by Broke and the Bookish.That is not to say that I didn't enjoy some of these books because I did, I just felt like these books should have been better than the hype suggested or there was one aspect of it that I didn't like. This list isn't going to include my obvious choices but these are some honorable mentions that I don't mention enough when talking about books.
*Note: I hate that I have to say this but do not come into my comments being rude because these are my opinions. You can like what you want and I can like what I want. These books just happened to be books that disappointed me for one reason or another.
10.) Calamity by Brandon Sanderson
I really loved the first two books in this trilogy. Like I loved the main character and his weird metaphors. I loved the side characters, (except Megan, she's..ugh!), I loved the idea of superheroes being the villains and I loved the action of this series. And then I read the ending of the trilogy and to see say that I was disappointed is an understatement. It wasn't at all like I was expecting which is the only reason that this book is on this list.
9.) Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
This book is on this list also because of the ending. I was okay with the story up until that ending. That ending pissed me off to no end and my friend was laughing at my reaction when I told her how much of crappy ending that was. Like, seriously. I read that entire book and then that ending happened. I almost burned the book right then and there.
8.) Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
See, it's not even that I don't like this book. It's that it's so unoriginal. First, the summary sounds like Red Rising. Then every scene in the book reminds me of something else I've read. I feel like this story could have been amazing so if she rewrote it, maybe I'd enjoy it more.
7.) Perfect Liars by Kimberly Reid
This book was such a disappointment to me. First thing that bothered me was the insta-love. I understand there's an initial attraction there first but I honestly don't feel as if they should have been together. I don't know why it didn't seem right until the end. But the main problem was how slow this book was. There wasn't enough action in this book for it to be interesting but I think with a few adjustments, this book would be great.
6.) Flawed by Cecelia Ahern
So I wrote a review about this book explaining my thoughts on this book but I'll repeat myself. The main character acted out of character to propel the plot forward. The plot was way too slow for me and it felt more like a prequel than a first book in a series. Then there was the insta-love and the love triangle that was just put there. Basically, this book had a lot of things that I don't like all piled into one book.
5.) Divergent by Veronica Roth
I don't even want to write the name but this author seriously never deserved the hype. I'll admit that I liked this book because of all the craziness that happened but I never knew why there was so much hype. Then I tried to read the second book three times. Let's just say, never picking up this author ever again. Especially because she's so problematic now.
4.) The Selection by Kiera Cass
I'm going to be honest. I don't even really remember this book. However, I do know that it wasn't that good of a book to deserve all the hype. I don't even think I finished this first book because it was literally filled with tropes that I hated like the love triangle and then by the time I got around to the first book, the third book was coming out and the title alone spoiled the first book (why name the book The One when it's obvious that your not-so-average heroine will be the one).
3.) The Chaos by Nalo Hopkinson
This was one of the first science fiction and fantasy books that I saw with a Black girl on the cover so I was excited. Made it through twenty pages. As other reviewers put it, this book was way too chaotic.
2.) Halo by Alexandra Adornetto
Let me just start of by saying that this author was a teenager when she published this book. I don't blame her for the bad world building, bad characters, or even the horrible book at all. She probably didn't know better But whoever freaking published this crap knew better. That's all I'm going to say on that matter.
*Note: The following will have profanity in it. Read at your own discretion.
1.) Stalk Me (Keatyn Chronicles #1) by Jillian Dodd
What the fuck was this? This shit is by far the worst book I've ever read! This main character is the dumbest if not the most confusing character I've ever read about. She's always talking about how she didn't want to be like her friends but this bitch turn around and acts just like them. She's such a flat character that the author never gave potential to get better because how she's portrayed is like a mix of three different characters. Let's not forget to mention that the bitch has about eight guys in just this book alone that want to get with her and that there's not a plot until like the last two percent of this book. I don't even think this book should be rewritten. It should be burned.
That's my Top Ten Tuesday for today. Comment below the books that you think should be rewritten. Thanks for reading and see you next time!
*Note: I hate that I have to say this but do not come into my comments being rude because these are my opinions. You can like what you want and I can like what I want. These books just happened to be books that disappointed me for one reason or another.
10.) Calamity by Brandon Sanderson
I really loved the first two books in this trilogy. Like I loved the main character and his weird metaphors. I loved the side characters, (except Megan, she's..ugh!), I loved the idea of superheroes being the villains and I loved the action of this series. And then I read the ending of the trilogy and to see say that I was disappointed is an understatement. It wasn't at all like I was expecting which is the only reason that this book is on this list.
9.) Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
This book is on this list also because of the ending. I was okay with the story up until that ending. That ending pissed me off to no end and my friend was laughing at my reaction when I told her how much of crappy ending that was. Like, seriously. I read that entire book and then that ending happened. I almost burned the book right then and there.
8.) Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
See, it's not even that I don't like this book. It's that it's so unoriginal. First, the summary sounds like Red Rising. Then every scene in the book reminds me of something else I've read. I feel like this story could have been amazing so if she rewrote it, maybe I'd enjoy it more.
7.) Perfect Liars by Kimberly Reid
This book was such a disappointment to me. First thing that bothered me was the insta-love. I understand there's an initial attraction there first but I honestly don't feel as if they should have been together. I don't know why it didn't seem right until the end. But the main problem was how slow this book was. There wasn't enough action in this book for it to be interesting but I think with a few adjustments, this book would be great.
6.) Flawed by Cecelia Ahern
So I wrote a review about this book explaining my thoughts on this book but I'll repeat myself. The main character acted out of character to propel the plot forward. The plot was way too slow for me and it felt more like a prequel than a first book in a series. Then there was the insta-love and the love triangle that was just put there. Basically, this book had a lot of things that I don't like all piled into one book.
5.) Divergent by Veronica Roth
I don't even want to write the name but this author seriously never deserved the hype. I'll admit that I liked this book because of all the craziness that happened but I never knew why there was so much hype. Then I tried to read the second book three times. Let's just say, never picking up this author ever again. Especially because she's so problematic now.
4.) The Selection by Kiera Cass
I'm going to be honest. I don't even really remember this book. However, I do know that it wasn't that good of a book to deserve all the hype. I don't even think I finished this first book because it was literally filled with tropes that I hated like the love triangle and then by the time I got around to the first book, the third book was coming out and the title alone spoiled the first book (why name the book The One when it's obvious that your not-so-average heroine will be the one).

This was one of the first science fiction and fantasy books that I saw with a Black girl on the cover so I was excited. Made it through twenty pages. As other reviewers put it, this book was way too chaotic.
2.) Halo by Alexandra Adornetto
Let me just start of by saying that this author was a teenager when she published this book. I don't blame her for the bad world building, bad characters, or even the horrible book at all. She probably didn't know better But whoever freaking published this crap knew better. That's all I'm going to say on that matter.
*Note: The following will have profanity in it. Read at your own discretion.
What the fuck was this? This shit is by far the worst book I've ever read! This main character is the dumbest if not the most confusing character I've ever read about. She's always talking about how she didn't want to be like her friends but this bitch turn around and acts just like them. She's such a flat character that the author never gave potential to get better because how she's portrayed is like a mix of three different characters. Let's not forget to mention that the bitch has about eight guys in just this book alone that want to get with her and that there's not a plot until like the last two percent of this book. I don't even think this book should be rewritten. It should be burned.
That's my Top Ten Tuesday for today. Comment below the books that you think should be rewritten. Thanks for reading and see you next time!
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