Summer Quarter Goals

Image from Google Search
I know, I know. We can't keep doing this game where I disappear for a month and then come back saying that I'm going to do better. I'm really sorry, everyone. It's just been a stressful month where so many things have happened. My mental health has been suffering the last couple weeks and before that I had a lot of homework in Upward Bound. But I promise, I'm back now!
Because of Upward Bound and my health problems, I didn't really get a lot accomplished for my Spring Quarter Goals. However, I completed two of them which I'm happy about. The first goal that I completed was outlining my WIP. I have the basic plot outline and I did the main character's outline but that's about it. I didn't want to plan too much about the entire story because I'm still trying to figure everything out. I'm still excited for the story even though I haven't worked on it in forever. The next goal that I completed is enjoying my summer! Since I'm in Upward Bound, I am with some of my closest friends. We've been having movie nights and staying up talking about random things. It may not seem like much but it was nice.

For my Summer Quarter Goals, I decided to make myself try to achieve at least ten if these. If I do, I will treat myself to something I desire at the end of September.

Writing Goals

Write 30,000 words in current WIP: This amount scares me everytime I look at it but I think that it's doable. It averages to about 10,000 words a month. I'm very optimistic about this goal.

Write 5 short stories: I've had a Wattpad for years and I've just recently started to get back on it. I'm still debating on whether or not I want to use Wattpad to publish parts of my manuscript but I think that little stories will be fine. I have some one shots on there now and I gave three mini stories lined up to be written someday. In these five stories, I'm including the one shots and the actual short stories to count towards this goal.

Write at least 9 blog posts: I know I'm a slacker when it comes to writing posts and this isn't even that much. But I'm starting college at the end of August and I know I will be busy. This is what I'm aiming to do but hopefully I'll be able to do more.

Reading Goals

Finish beta reading: I'm currently reading a manuscript for an author that I watch on YouTube. Do you know how excited I am to be reading it? Really excited? I'm already to chapter nine and while it needs some work, I think it definitely has potential.

Finish up to book 4 of Harry Potter: I've just finished the first book for the third time in hopes of actually continuing the series now. I definitely liked the first book more the first time I read it but I still liked the book enough to want to finish it.

Finish The Young Elites: I love Marie Lu's books and I'm really surprised I haven't finished this series yet.

Finish The Lunar Chronicles: This is yet another book that I've enjoyed and have yet to finish. I literally have two books left and I really miss Thorne. That's literally my husband.

Read 3 books on my bookshelf: I still have a lot of books on my bookshelf that I should really read. Especially because I was really excited for them anyway.

Read 10 Beat the Backlog Books: This should be too bad since most of the books I plan to read are on my list.

Read 10 Diversity Bingo books: I'm running out of time and while I've been reading a lot of books with Black main characters, I need to expand my horizons.

Life Goals

Finish college checklist: There's this online checklist at my school that tells me what I need to do. Should probably do that. Luckily, it's not a lot.

Dorm stuff: I still have to do a lot with this and while it's exciting, I'm​ procrastinating on it so bad. Definitely should get this done, too.

Scholarships: Now that I've received the scholarships, I really have to see what I need to do to get that money.

Learn about life: When I tell y'all that I'm ignorant to taxes, insurance and whatever else there is, I'm not lying. I literally have almost no idea how to survive in America.

New clothes: I have a bad habit of giving away clothes that I don't wear. Then
I give away clothes that I don't want and when I actually have to wear something, I find myself looking into an empty closet because I gave away so much. Definitely need to buy more clothes and some business attire, too.

Learn about vlogging and vlog: Since I'm going to college in the fall, I really want to start vlogging my life so that I can see how much I've changed, how stressed I am, and all of the other things college brings.

Start learning about publishing and create a business plan: In the future, I want to create my own book publishing company. It has been a dream of mine for a while now and in order to be successful, I should probably learn how the basic operations work.

That's all of my goals for this quarter. I'm very optimistic that I'm going to complete at least 10 of these but we'll see. What are some of your goals? I would love to know! Thanks for reading this really long post!


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