Manuscript Monday #4
Hello! Today I wanted to talk about my world again because I'm obsessed with how I'm going to have this world built. It's still a work in progress but today I wanted to talk about the hair that the people have. Many of the women here love to have the best hairstyles and in this world for the most part, it's not with sew-ins or any other weave. They use their natural hair to make amazing hairstyles like the ones in the pictures shown below. They also just wear their hair in afros and braids. I decided to do this partly because I was really fascinated with this video I watched on YouTube. Before Africans were brought to America, they did styles like these and it was a part of their culture. Another reason I wanted to do this is because I don't feel like a lot of Black people appreciate their hair. I definitely understand why because sometimes I struggle with it but I thought it would be amazing to glorify hair like ours. I mean, it is the only hair with curl patterns like this and it definitely makes Black people unique. If I continue with the way my world is going now, I feel like this would be great to incorporate in my story and I'm really excited to see where it goes.

For all of you science fiction and fantasy writers, what is something about the people in your world that you like? Where did your inspiration for it come from?
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