3 Book-To-Movie Adaptations That Were Bad
Hello everyone! Today I have a post about book-to-movie adaptations that didn't even come close to the level of good that the books reached. It's kind of sad that these movies happened so, after this post, I'm just going to pretend that they don't exist.
3.) Beautiful Creatures: In this movie's defense the book wasn't even that good but the way that the director/producer made this movie was just bad. It started to go away from the actual story and added some of its own things. The added parts would have probably been fine but I didn't like the way that they added them at all.
2.) Vampire Academy: I never finished this series because I lost interest but this movie was just dumb. Maybe it was because Rose's humor didn't translate well on screen or maybe it was just because the actual book was a bad book to adapt into a movie. Whatever it was, the movie was just not good at all.
1.) Maximum Ride: This is by far the worst book-to-movie adaptation I have ever seen. Everything was horrible in this movie. The actors , the digital effects and the story was bad. I don't have anything positive to say about this movie and I'm kind of mad that I wasted my time, thankfully not my money, on this movie.
3.) Beautiful Creatures: In this movie's defense the book wasn't even that good but the way that the director/producer made this movie was just bad. It started to go away from the actual story and added some of its own things. The added parts would have probably been fine but I didn't like the way that they added them at all.

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